
wow dude

weja said...

the moon is a dead rock that is fulla suck, the light it is seemingly giving off is stolen and reflected from the sun yah twat V:
April 6, 2011 6:58 PM

wow man

that's harsh

lay off the moon bro


  1. Moon was here
    Sun can eat it
    Maybe that stupid fuck should keep an eye on his light if he doesn't want that shit stolen.

  2. maaan, just defendin my bro the sun. who is most definitely a bro. leaving the moon to be a gussied up trollop.


    ps anon, the sun has plenty of light to go around so he doesn't mind a gutter tramp or two stealin somma that shit. he's a charitable miasma, basically.

  3. somethin tells me weja is tryin to play it off now

  4. Typical moon behavior, stealing from the stars and living off of their stolen goods. It's time we do something about these serfs.

    In-fact, my S200 was just stolen by some moon the other day; "when there's trash in the street, you're in moon town." (A slightly modified quote from a Johnny Rebel song.)

  5. Why would someone say such a thing about the moon? The moon is awesome, a cow once jumped over the moon and lived to tell about it. I dare you weja to try and jump over the sun. You'll burn to death.

  6. At-least the sun gives things to people. Unlike your filthy moon, that's just throwing STOLEN light at us.

  7. The moon does give to the people. It gives us waves of happiness, and the waves in the ocean but the first is more important.

  8. The Sun also contributes to the tides.

  9. Suns all hot air.

  10. The moon may have a hard interior but on the inside it's a sweet person. You just never cared to find out. The sun is an asshole who has to outshine the rest. He's an over achieving jock who has to bully his way to the front of the line. Well guess what, he'll never amount to anything. He didn't win the state championship and he'll never win out hearts!



  11. Faggot sun is gonna explode in like a few billion years. The moon is not going anywhere as long as when the sun fucking supernovas into a giant faggot orgy that it doesn't fucking burn up the moon with how hard its flaming for dicks. Fuck the sun, hes a queer.

  12. The Sun is too small to become a supernova actually.

  13. Pffsshh
    satellites are where it's at
